How Mindfulness Helps Clients Develop Resilience

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When a client has or does struggle with addiction, building resilience helps them to get through the challenges that are found on the road to recovery. Mindfulness helps clients develop tools to deal with challenges that arise by learning about their triggers, feelings, reactions, and unhealthy patterns. Then, through mindfulness, clients can build patterns that result in more resiliency.

Treatment at Reviving You Recovery incorporates mindfulness as it helps clients build skills they will need in recovery, such as resiliency. However, mindfulness is only one piece of the puzzle and is incorporated into a holistic and individualized plan developed to help each client heal.  

What Is Mindfulness?

Mindfulness practices at Reviving You Recovery are a type of meditation where clients are focused on themselves. This includes what they are sensing and feeling in the moment. Through breathing and guided imagery, clients learn to get in touch with themselves, which for clients struggling with addiction is generally a new or forgotten skill.

During mindfulness sessions, clients spend time paying direct attention to their own experiences. They are asked to tune into small parts of themselves through breathing. However, they are also asked to connect with their thoughts and emotions.

The key to mindfulness is being able to be self-aware without any judgments. Clients learn to be aware of their thoughts, feelings, and triggers while quieting an inner dialogue that chooses whether these parts of themselves are good or bad. When clients learn to quiet these judgments, they discover peace. In addition, they learn to be compassionate towards themselves. However, all of these skills are founded in a client’s ability to be aware of themselves and their judgments. 

How Mindfulness Helps Clients

There are many benefits to mindfulness. It helps clients build skills such as self-awareness and resiliency. In addition, mindfulness helps clients find peace. When a client has struggled with addiction, peace is often hard to find. However, when they improve self-awareness and find a way to create peace in their lives, they decrease stress and increase their overall well-being. Both of these help clients recover from addiction and build a new life after treatment. 


Mindfulness practices help clients learn to be in the current moment. This means building a significant amount of self-awareness. Through mindfulness meditation, clients are guided into themselves. They learn to identify feelings and thoughts that may have been present for a long time outside of their awareness.

In mindfulness, there is not a right answer. Therefore, clients have the opportunity to explore their sensations, emotions, and thoughts. In the beginning, they learn the lay of the land. However, over time, they dig deeper and expand their level of self-awareness. 

Self-awareness is a skill that has significant benefits for clients who have struggled with addiction. This is due to the need for change in treatment and recovery. Self-awareness helps clients to know what is going on internally. With this knowledge and support from a treatment center, clients can make changes that help them build a better life after treatment. 

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Stress and addiction commonly go together. While this stress is related to the lifestyle of addiction, it can also be due to internal patterns and a lack of knowledge of how to find peace. For many clients, these patterns draw them back towards substance abuse and tendencies associated with addiction. Mindfulness is a way for clients to find peace. Through breathing, visualization, and other mindfulness practices, clients’ minds and bodies can relax. They learn new pathways towards a quiet and observing mind. While this is a new experience for many clients, it is also a significant relief. It provides them with the knowledge that they can make changes that significantly improve how they experience life. 

Mindfulness Helps Clients Build Resiliency

Resiliency is the ability to deal with challenges that arise. With a client who has struggled with addiction, drugs or alcohol have been the path to dull or manage issues. However, through mindfulness, clients can build resiliency to issues that arise. This gives them an alternative to substance use and, therefore, a new way to cope when things get tough. 

Mindfulness helps clients build resiliency in several ways. First, mindfulness gives clients information about how they have dealt with issues in their lives. With improved awareness, clients learn their patterns. Then, they see how these patterns have impacted themselves and their lives. While every client will have unique patterns, the improved level of self-awareness is a foundation for making changes to these patterns. 

In addition, mindfulness teaches clients to be aware of the judgments they place on themselves. These internal processes that make the client believe their experience is good or bad have a significant impact on their ability to deal with issues. When a client believes their feelings about a situation are bad, they are more likely to want to sweep it under the rug and ignore it instead of taking the time to work through the issue at hand. 

Mindfulness is a skill that helps clients to build resiliency through self-awareness and peace. However, it is a challenging skill to learn. At Reviving You Recovery, mindfulness is a foundational concept in treatment. It serves as a way for clients to get back in touch with themselves, learning more about their experiences and patterns and how they have impacted their issues with addiction and their quality of life. While mindfulness is a treatment on its own, it is also wound into the fabric of every part of treatment, guiding clients to a new and improved life after treatment. To learn more about our treatment options, call Reviving You Recovery today at (951) 723-7598.

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